Family bonds or ties play a major role in our lives. It is the deep attachment between, and among family members. It lasts forever. The affectionate relationship between family members: father and mother, mother and children, father and children and among children bring happiness, good fortune and success.
Father bonds arise out of lining together in harmony with love, affection, caring and sharing. No matter how rich or proof , family bonds are the same. Love and affection do not depend on wealth. All children grow up to adults passing different phases. A child become a teenager, an adolescent and a grown up. In the process of growing up family ties should be protected. They serve as an anchor in later life, in times of difficult.
In the modern world family bonds are drifting apart. Modern society pays much attention to money. Money seems to give status and importance in the society. As a result people have become competitive. They have no time to think of others. Thus family bonds or ties have become frail. When we learn to care for the family, we learn to care for our society and to care for our country.
"The Mill on Floss" by Mary Ann evens ( who used the pen name George Elliot) the writer brings out the positive and the negative ideas and feelings of the people well.
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